Healthcare Facilities
These facilities include hospitals, clinics, outpatient therapy centers, and specialists. Staff and patients live in healthcare institutions. They’re termed sanitary or hygienic zones because they must maintain a clean atmosphere for patients. It’s also prone to pathogens and HAIs (HAIs). Operating rooms and wards are crowded with patients and personnel. You never know what outsiders bring to the hospital, putting vulnerable patients at danger. Whole-room disinfection and appropriate indoor environmental conditions in hospitals must not be compromised. Our services do that. Doctors and patients spend long hours in hospitals, touching things and breathing hospital air. As they cure and save lives, healthcare workers may have common grievances. Poor indoor air quality causes headaches, dryness, weariness, irritation, and allergies. Vulnerable populations and healthcare activities underline the necessity for indoor air quality management and disinfection. As hospitals work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there is no time to recoup from their emissions and poor IAQ. Hospital epidemics of COVID-19 and Legionnaires’ disease are proof.