Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Indoor Air Quality in Malaysia

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Over recent years, indoor air quality has become a global health concern as increasing amounts of outdoor air emissions begin to contaminate the air within buildings. Building owners or managers need to understand how small indoor air quality will impact the everyday lives of building occupants. A single or continuous exposure to contaminants present in the air could cause severe health problems and even the spread of infectious diseases. Pollutants are only detectable when indoor air quality assessments take place.

Why Indoor Air Quality is so Important?

As per the Department of Occupational Safety and Health’s (DOSH) Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010, the building owner or management shall maintain the working environment conforming to the acceptable range as provided. Building or facility managers must comply with the laws and regulations, and therefore be responsible for ensuring the building environment is safe for its occupants.

Exposure to poor indoor air quality causes:

Chronic Headaches
Chronic Headaches
Flu Symptoms
Flu symptoms
Respiratory Symptoms
Respiratory symptoms
Worsening Allergies
Worsening allergies
Red Eyes
Red eyes
It is better to prevent these by maintaining the facilities’ indoor air quality rather than receiving health complaints from the occupants.

Common IAQ Problems in Facility

IAQ Problems

Air Quality Analysis

IAQ ParametersRange
Carbon Monoxide10ppm
Carbon Dioxide1000ppm
Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC)3ppm
Particulate Matters (PM-10)0.150g/m3
Relative Humidity40-70%
Air Temperature23-260 C
Ventilation Rate (VR)/Air Movement0.15-0.50m/s
Total Bacterial Count500cfu/m3
Total Fungal Count1000cfu/m3
Source: Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality by Department Occupational Safety & Health, 2010

You may notice some of the more common side effects of indoor air pollution, like an unpleasant odor, but many others go undetected because germs and pathogens do not show symptoms immediately which later causes greater harms to health. This is when our Indoor Air Quality Testing and Analysis will evaluate and interpret the condition of your Indoor Air Quality and finally recommend the next course of action. Our analysis/assessment and our recommendations of the indoor air and next course of action is based on Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health.

How Do We Do

Frequently Asked Questions

Studies done by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate that the indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. These levels become a concern because it’s estimated that people spend almost 80% of their time

Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a situation in which building occupants experience acute health and/or comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a particular building, but where no specific illness or cause can be identified.

That really depends on who you talk to. Facility managers understand that they carry some responsibility. Building occupants do not generally accept any responsibility. We however feel that everyone shares the responsibility for the indoor air quality of a building.

Mold is always present in the air and on indoor surfaces, thus, total avoidance of mold is impossible and may not be desirable. However, visual evidence or history of dampness in buildings and substantial visible mold or mold odor in buildings have been consistently associated with increases in symptoms of asthma and other respiratory health effects. There is also substantial evidence that dampness and visible mold are associated with increases in acute bronchitis and respiratory infections.


We look forward to hearing from you. Let us work together.