“Can Masks Protect Against (COVID-19)?”

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Most people have the mentality of wearing a mask could protect them from Covid-19. This could be seen by many scenarios of Covid-19 patients who claimed on wearing masks but were still infected.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to give an effective level of protection against COVID-19. Mask is simply a precautionary measure to protect oneself from viruses as the viruses also can be infected through touch on infected surfaces and direct contact.

Moreover, there is numerous type of masks sells in the market. Some of them are overly claimed on the effectiveness of the efficacy on the uses against Covid-19. It is crucial for people to know that the materials, the effectiveness of the mask is in compliance with the minimum requirements set by the government in the efforts to restraining the pandemic from spreading.

In the emergence of new variance detected, many studies and news have been reported on the capabilities of the SARS-CoV-19 on remaining persistent in the air for a long period of time with the relevant humidity in an enclosed space, which means it is an airborne virus.

An airborne virus is a virus that can be transmitted through air flows which someone could be possibly infected through the inhalation process, exceptionally active and highly contagious in an enclosed space due to less air renewal. Unlike outdoors, the air is constantly changed as the air particles have no limitless in their movement but indoors, the air that is in the building or facility is compacted and has limited movements.

It is also said that this SARS-CoV-19 particle is smaller than hair particles and can spread as far as six meters in aerosol particles. Henceforth, studies have shown that there is a way of eliminating the viruses from remain suspended in the air in an enclosed space by ensuring a good ventilation system.

In regards to the WHO statement on mask alone is not sufficient in an effort to against viruses, these are some precautionary steps that can be implemented by people on protecting themselves from infectious viruses, such as:

  • Double mask
  • Social distancing (1- 2 meters apart);
  • Hand sanitization;
  • Always wash hands, extra care om hygiene matters;
  • Prevent laying hands-on possible infected surfaces in public places;
  • Stay at home (if not necessary to go out);
  • Prevent direct contact with people, family members (who stay apart);
  • and many more

When we are out here in this part of the world that is exposed to viruses, there’s a lot of prevention steps to be taken and practiced in order to protect ourselves from getting infected. Thus, if you want to know more about how preventive measures can be taken, feel free to subscribe to our blogs as there will be many informative sharings that surely would be helpful!

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